Empyrean Rune - Yrd

Yrd Yrd is the power of the collective flow that chains events into the apparent sequence of action and reaction. A stream of deeds that necessitate from a primordial origin unto the destiny that awaits everything in the cosmos. Indeed, Yrd, is the concept of cosmic Fate. It is also the concept of flow, of water, Karma - as some call it- and even, to some extent, time. All of these things are hid in Yrd, and more. For there is understanding there, inherent, innate, the gift of insight, as some call it and thus the ability to know, which supersedes the ability to see or feel, or which includes both of these. In Yrd, knowing and seeing and feeling are not at odds, but are as one. Thus, Yrd is the power of divination, revealer of the Past, Present and Future. The Mirror Pool: You reach deep into the forces of Fate, questioning the unknowable and gaining valuable insight into what was, what is, or what might be. You gaze into a mirror-like surface, gleaning visions from the p...