The Rune "Sha" |
Sha: It is impossible to form an action without generating a reaction, equal to the force that was applied. Together the pair of action and reaction form the friction that generates the spark which sends the whole universe to turn like a primeval cog inside an invisible colossal machine. Because of the principle behind friction, the whole universe could be seen like a giant tempest, riddled with infinite smaller storms erupting in different speeds and time within its body. Sha is the concept of the Tempest and the Vortex, and this is the implication of eternal motion which can simply be said to be one thing: Energy. By itself, Sha enhances movement and delivers liberty. The vortex grants wings with which one can fly across the aetheric currents, or perhaps actual wings to traverse the more familiar winds of Arandor.
Aetheric Wings: You gain the power to fly on a movement equal to your [Soulforce] + [Spell Power]. Typically your wings are invisible, although they may maintain a subtle ethereal appearance. Keeping yourself aloft requires a minor Move action. Aetheric wings counters supernatural powers that restrain movement. In addition, you gain 1 free bonus dodge action per [Spell Power].
- Duration: [Scene].
- Effect: Flight.

Tempest: You instantly radiate with electricity discharging lightning in all directions around you, in a radius equal to your [Soulforce]. A number of enemies equal to [Spell Power], must instantly soak [Soulforce] damage. The damage dealt is holy.
- Duration: [Instant]
- Effect: Electricity emanation from you. Damage based on [Soulforce].

Storm Aegis: You invoke a shield of swirling energy to protect you from incoming attacks of various types. The shield is mostly transparent, with an etheric presence, except for the humming of its swirling field of force and the occasional spark of energy burst that courses along its surface. The shield is apparently strapped on your off-hand wrist and you can move it as you would any other shield. You need to dedicate your off-hand to the shield in order to fully benefit from its Deflection. Its shape is circular or oblong, and its size is that of a large shield, but not a tower or riot shield. The shield grants the Deflection power with a strength equal to [Spell Power]. Your Deflection is subtracted from the successes of all incoming melee or ranged attacks, including spells and magical attacks, before determining whether these attacks actually hit you or deal any damage. The reduced successes, of course also indirectly reduce the damage you take.
- Duration: [Scene]
- Effect: Energy shield grants Deflection equal to [Spell Power].

Thunder Glaive: You combine the aetheric fire with the power of the vortex into a long Energy Blade which is fortified with the force of intense electricity tearing at your hapless foes with the indomitable might of thunder. The Thunder Glaive has a general greatsword-like shape which can be further individualized. The color still follows the individual energy theme of the invoker. Each time the glaive moves, it sizzles and crackles with powerful static. Each time it hits a target, it also emits a strong thunder clap.
- Requires: Hilt Focus with embedded attuned crystal.
- The attuned crystal must be a Tharazonite (rare crystal found only in high altitudes, usually in Frozen Highlands).
- Duration: [Scene].
- Effect: Conjure Soul Blade with these characteristics:
- Base Damage = [Soulforce] + [Spell Power]
- Bonus Electricity Damage equal to [Spell Power]
- Critical results in melee attack roll count as 3 successes.
- Melee Attack Roll:
- Receives the benefits of Supremacy.
- Choose one of:
- Roll 1 dice per [Spell Power]
- (Soul Blade Combat Talent): roll Spirit +1 dice
- The CN of your chosen melee attack roll is reduced by 1.
- (Soul Blade Combat Talent)
- The form of the thunder glaive is such that it enables the wielder to create a vortex of leaping lightning around them, as they attack with a wide, cleaving attack, threatening an additional number of enemies equal to their [Spell Power], who are engaged with them in melee combat. The additional enemies are attacked with base damage equal to the electricity damage of the blade, which is equal to [Spell Power].
- Anyone stricken by the primary attack of the thunder glaive and who suffers at least one wound, must check to resist a stun effect. To do so they must score a number of critical successes equal to the invoker's [Spell Power].
- The Damage of Thunder Glaive as well as the bonus electricity damage is considered holy.
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