Empyrean Lore - The Aethons

The Aethons are the burning spirits of Yrion, born in the dawn of the Age of Rebirth. They are embodiments of ideals, avatars of nobility, or simply wild and fiery spirits, driven by pure bright passion.

Their exact origins are unknown.

According to some celestial scholars, the Aethons are reborn celestials. Others say they are ascended souls of mortals that have come from one or more Prime Worlds. Some postulate they , like the Ashar, are direct emanations of Akaon, who simply chose them to come to existence during this age for reasons of his own.

Since their birth, the Aethons have risen fast to eminence amongst other celestials, because they are an especially powerful and evolved species.

Few of the Ashar and the Vaenu remain, and fewer yet choose to actively involve themselves in the exploits of Yrion, it is said many have departed into the beyond for reasons that simply remain unknown.

On top of that, the Aldoren are no more. The last council were a shadow of their forebears, riven by internal politics and secret schemes and ultimately unwilling to play a decisive role in the war of light and shadow.

Recognizing the failure of the last council, the Celestials refused to raise others of their kind into such exalted positions. The 8 spheres of power were left without masters. The glorious chambers of the Aldoren were likewise left vacant.

In their stead the Celestials founded the united Assembly of Yrion. Leading and representing the Assembly are the Twenty Four Exarchs, perpetually chosen as "firsts among equals".

The Aethons lead the Celestials, and are also loosely allied to other factions of the Unfolding Dream.

They continue to fight against the Fiends, the Infernals and the diminishing forces of the Shadow God, but the arrival of the Aethons has tipped the balance significantly in favor of the forces of Light, in the cosmic struggle.

But a new player has entered the cosmic arena. Formerly a mortal of mysterious origins, Akronas the arch-tyrant has seized a portion of Yrion with sheer force, where he has established his tyrannical rule. Cold artificial light reigns in the realm of Akronas. Everything has been subjugated to his will. Nothing is free, but everything is bent to serve him in some way. His chief lieutenants are former gods whom he has broken, or powerful servants he has deceived. They are his cruel and terrible angelic vassals.

Underneath those, Akronas has molded the cruel Avaryons who are militant embodiments of his will. All of them are servants of the great Dogma, which is the cruel engine that enslaves thousands of souls into servitude. They reach out to all, luring them into the domain of Akronas. The archtyrant offers redemption even to the followers of the Shadow, he will rid them of their curse if they would serve him.

Slavery, the complete abolishment of individualism is what the creed of Akronas teaches delivers true liberation. By serving Akronas the goal to bringing the entirety of the dream under the control of a single tyrant becomes greater.

But the seat of power of Akronas lies in the world of Arandor. Somewhere upon the world, the arch-tyrant has placed the engine that has helped him attain godhood and traverse into the realm of Yrion. This engine still feeds from the worship of millions of souls that are subjugated to the gods of the Hexad - Akronas' chosen on the realm of mortals.

If the Aethons could locate this engine and destroy it, perhaps Akronas' authority would be diminished.

As things are, for all their power, the united Celestials and their allies are already fighting a losing war.


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