Core Character Sheet

Following up on the Core System explanation from the previous post, here is a character sheet that can better assist with visualization of the system.

All the core elements are neatly gathered inside one page, and that's all a player needs to play Empyrean using the rules we've described before. I have added a character drive, below willpower, in order to allow for the expansion of the inspiration system. For now this is merely, mostly about tracking the character's value system.

All players start with a drive score of 1, which is what is assumed in the inspiration mechanics explained in the Core System rules. Here we merely leave the possibility open to develop the character's drive further, either with ad-hoc rules, or via a future development system.

The character sheet has a back page, (of course! what type of self-respecting character sheet doesn't?!) and comes in two formats. An A4 size, landscape with huge fonts that look back at you (which you can get here), or a more discreet A5 size, landscape (which you can get here).

Edit: I fixed the typo (success) and uploaded new A4 and A5 character sheets with the new Empyrean logo.


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