The Aspects

The Five Aspects are a core gaming element and determine the basic qualities of any character or creature.

Each Aspect describes a character and drastically affects their odds of success in any action that relates to the Aspect in question.

Aspects are not exact descriptors but are closer to describing an Aspect of the game of Empyrean itself, grouping several activities (sometimes from various disciplines) together.

In that manner, the Aspects have an "elemental" quality, that further associates the Aspect with particular characteristics.

Their purpose is to help differentiate one character from another. Aspects are coupled with specific characteristics that give the character a certain "type". This is further incorporated with certain passions, traits and ideals that are tightly coupled with specific aspects.

Aspects have specific development points. The more a player uses specific aspects during play, the more they will gain the opportunity to further develop these aspects.

Overall the Aspects describe how the characters prioritize the different elements of life. So the characters prioritize their Aspects as follows:

If the character chooses any Aspect except Spirit as their primary Aspect, then they must rank their Aspects from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.

With a few exceptions, the player may choose which Aspect and even which trait they will use to respond to a situation. Sometimes, of course, a challenge must be dealt with in a specific way. For example, characters can soak damage only using Fortitude / Toughness, and they can use their Empyrean powers only by using Spirit / Invocation.

It is possible to use almost any Aspect for any action, however the trait that would be used can be contested.

In addition to the above, the player can spend willpower to receive one of the following bonuses:

- Edge. The character uses a specific talent. Talents are tightly coupled and are developed with specific aspects.

- Supremacy. The character uses a specific empyrean power. This implies that the character uses the Spirit aspect (and should choose which ideal or virtue they will use).

- Inspiration. The character is inspired by a specific ideal or belief, that is important or even vital to the character in question. The character receives development points in that aspect.

For every successful action that beats the contest, the character earns 1 development point in the corresponding aspect.

At the end of the game session players must spend their development points.


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