Empyrean Truth

Among the Aethons, one of the great Cosmic Aspects is Truth. To the Aethons, Truth is not limited to that which is perceived with the senses, or that which is reached with pure rational deduction. Their Truth is mystical. As one of the Aspects, Truth emanates directly from the unknowable Source, and as such, is transcendent. It is perennially revealed - and as long as there is time, it can never be fully known. The Empyrean idea of Truth is that of the revelation of Cosmic Order, which is equated with a gestalt Cosmic Will. Truth fills existence with Purpose. The Aethons believe that though this Purpose is diverse in emanation, it is singular at its core. The Aethons know that Truth is both a Cosmic Absolute, and a personal revelation, and therefore a personal quest - for each Aethon to discover their own purpose - their own lot of Truth, so to speak.