Empyrean Lore - The Aethons

The Aethons are the burning spirits of Yrion, born in the dawn of the Age of Rebirth. They are embodiments of ideals, avatars of nobility, or simply wild and fiery spirits, driven by pure bright passion. Their exact origins are unknown. According to some celestial scholars, the Aethons are reborn celestials. Others say they are ascended souls of mortals that have come from one or more Prime Worlds. Some postulate they , like the Ashar, are direct emanations of Akaon, who simply chose them to come to existence during this age for reasons of his own. Since their birth, the Aethons have risen fast to eminence amongst other celestials, because they are an especially powerful and evolved species. Few of the Ashar and the Vaenu remain, and fewer yet choose to actively involve themselves in the exploits of Yrion, it is said many have departed into the beyond for reasons that simply remain unknown. On top of that, the Aldoren are no more. The last council were a shadow of their ...