
Welcome to the online home of Empyrean RPG. This is a place where you can find stories, game rules, and lore information about Empyrean.

Empyrean is a very ambitious personal labor of love that I first tampered with some time around 2007, probably earlier. At the time, I was heavily invested in creating something original and at the same time with a strong personal signature, based off of my own personal influences, past world-building and game design attempts, and an incessant desire to break all the rules.

One of my primary goals, back then, was to build a consistent, powerful, story-driven, and inspiring setting that transcends strict genres, ("high-fantasy", "sci-fi", "steampunk", "low-fantasy", "heroic fantasy", "epic fantasy", "grimdark" etc.), and a solid yet simple system that transcends the traditional RPG conventions, ("skill-based", "level-based", "class-based", "gamist", "narrativist", "simulationist"), by creating a solid game experience that supported the storytelling, and had enough layers to entice the "system geeks" as well.

Empyrean is the result that I've managed to distill after all those years of work towards all of these goals. Perhaps not quite as iconoclastic as the ambitious goals make it sound, but I know I've enjoyed making it, playing it, and tweaking it, countless times. Empyrean ended up becoming a hub of all sorts of story-inspired activities for me, and I'm still excited to work on it, after all those years.

I hope you feel inspired as well!

- Tassos


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