Children of Sky and Mountain

Empyrean leaves the world of Arandor back, for a time, visiting other places and worlds in the Unfolding Dream. This is one of the stories we're working on, from one of those worlds, hope you enjoy. Children of Sky and Mountain Forever, since the Timeless days, there was Sky-king. Alone he reigned upon his vast realm since time immemorial. Forever, since the Timeless days, there was Mountain-queen. Alone she reigned upon the tall mountains from her mighty summit. Sky saw Mountain and desired her. He desired her so much that he could not stop looking at her. Because he did so, the sun would never set, and the night would never come. The snows of the tall peaks begun to melt. The trees were stunted – their leaves scorched. Rivers begun to dry, and the animals went hungry and thirsty. Mountain suffered under the all-consuming burning gaze of Sky. But Mountain was proud and strong. She would not surrender to Sky. She would never bow. She raised her coun...