
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Unfolding Dream Blog

We have moved all the (mostly mythological) material of the Unfolding Dream, which regards the rich background of the Aethons to its own Blog . This was done so that this blog will focus purely on material specific to Empyrean, including the lore of the world of Arandor. While Empyrean is a tale of two worlds, in some regards, because the incarnated Aethons may carry with them memories of past events, which may prove to be meaningful in the grand scheme of things, it is still, ultimately, not a persistent thing.

Haedras - The Domain of Anatheras

In the midst of the six domains of the Hexad spans the realm of Haedras, with the colossal citadel of Anatheras rising as its crowning jewel. The city’s steel-blue walls of ancient, ferrous concrete, circle around gigantic structures that house more than twenty million souls, all of them floating upon the ancient lake that gave the city its name. Towering in the midst of the giant habitats, lies the titanic palace-temple of Nalatoth, god of the Hexad, ruler of the seas, master of strategy and god of Blades. The city also hosts a magnificent port, whence the gleaming vessels of the realm spread across the turbulent North Sea and beyond, to trade and barter goods with all the other realms, and lift levies and taxes from all the lands that remain in awe of Anatheras' mighty naval forces. It is also home to the titanic Stadium of Swords, where millions of souls gather to witness spectacles of slaughter and carnage – a necessary daily sacrifice that will appease the great G...