The Dawn II

Akaon tried to channel the fire that burned within him, giving shape to the innummerable hopes and dreams contained within his being. He created perfection effortlessly, each creation better to the one before, and yet, it was all futile. For all his power, everything was to him as a passing plaything was to a child – an inconsequential triviality, whilst Akaon yearned for the profound, the unknown, that over which he had no mastery. So in his solitude, Akaon begun to despair, for what was to some the ultimate liberty, the ability to do all they willed, also became their prison. What meaning was there in existence if all was preordained in a certain manner, if all that came to pass was already perfect, or happened exactly as they willed it? And then the eternity that encompassed him acquired substance, and from nothing, something came to pass. A second impossibility occurred, one that had come to balance the first. A being unfolded from the darkness, a wondr...