Neyras - The Unfolding Dream

Arandorean cosmologists theorize the existence of a vast encompassing cosmos, which has many names. It is mentioned in the partially deciphered scripts of various ancient dialects as Anarra, Tu'Neiran, Astanor, or, more commonly, in Arandor: Neyras. Cosmologists do not agree to the nature of the Cosmos. Some believe the universe is separate to the spiritual realms of Yrion and Khanoth, whilst others theorize that everything is part of the same universe. The most common cosmological representation could resemble an unusual nebula or galaxy. If one were to move outside the entirety of the universe and try to look at it, then the image that most cosmologists are trying to convey would be this: Cosmologists have agreed to a convention, whereby there are three states of existence. The first and most ancient of these states is the Eternal state. The Pillar of Eternity and the heavenly realm of Yrion - the High Aether represents this state. It is therefore the state associat...